Ders Adı:Yeşil Liman ve Liman Yönetimi
Ders Kodu:DUML 7121
Ders İçeriği (Türkçe):Yeşil liman kavramı ve bileşenleri, liman yönetimi ilkeleri; limanların temel ve ikincil fonksiyonları; Limanların işletme yönetimi;
Ders İçeriği (İngilizce):Green port concept and its components, port management principles; basic and secondary functions of ports; Operation management of ports; Operational modes of ports: public, private, autonomous etc; Characteristic features of the operational modes The organizational structure, performance and economy of ports; Port and terminal main structures, technologies and functions; Cost components of ports and terminals; Optimum size of port structures and technologies; Capacity and demand planning in ports, operation and marketing planning; Demurrage at the ports and terminals, dispatch fees and the expense cost and freight account.
Ders Saati:
Teorik Ders : 3 Uygulama : 0 Laboratuar : 0
Ders Kredisi : 3