M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Sercan Erol
Supervisor: Prof.Dr.Yusuf Sürmen
Department: Deniz Ulaştırma İşletme Mühendisliği
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Title of the Thesis: The Evaluation of Human Factor as a Risk Element
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 1/7/2009
Number of Pages: 112
Registration Number: i2038

       The risks which threaten people and their economical value are growing day by day with the technological developments on diminishing world. Human being centered around insurance with the aim of avoiding financial disaster but interior disaster of these risks.

This thesis takes in hand as part of insurance concept, elements, kinds and the elements which affect with the determination of Premium. This thesis is to display the human factor’s effect on Premium and so it is taken in hand to lay opinion about the things on confirming the Premium level and it has three parts. In first part; insurance concept, in second part; determining the kinds of sea insurance policy and marine insurance Premium, in third part; the elements which affect marine insurance Premium and so the human factors were assessed by analyzing. Evaluation was done by analyzing the data after 1076 sea accidents which occurred between 2001-2008 in Turkish search and rescue area by Undersecretary for Maritime Affairs.

       In evaluation it was understood that the most important reason of the marine accidents which occurred in Turkish search and rescue area was human being. So the reasons of human slip were investigated and some determinations were taken place about decreasing the occurring accidents. Also; occurring in which areas, which kinds of ship and which kinds of accidents were determined by the reasons of human slip. So some opinions were decelerated about things could be done to determine the most appropriate level of Premium. Furthermore evaluations showed that if we want to decrease the level of accidents, we should emphasize the reasons of human origin. According to a common conception; if people are taken into in-service training which consist inspection, there will be a crucial decrease.