Ders Adı:Electric Drives and Matlab Applications
Ders Kodu:ELK 7220
Ders İçeriği (Türkçe):Elektrik sürücü sistemleri, Güç elektroniği devreleri ve Konvertörler, DA motor sürücüleri, Konvertör ve DA sürücü devre analizleri, Asenkron motor sürücülerin alan yönlendirmeli kontrolü, Uzay-vektör modellemesi, Elektrik motorların dinamik modellemesi, Simetrili bileşen yaklaşımı, Değişken frekanslı evirici ile asenkron motorun beslenmesi, Evirici ile beslenen motorun analizi.
Ders İçeriği (İngilizce):Introduction to Electrical Drives: Rotational Systems, Load couplings, Energy relationship, Quadrant operation, Steady-state and dynamic operation. DC motor drives: Review of dc motors and characteristics, Single-and three-phase thyristor converter circuits, Transistor switched-mode, converters, Analysis of converter and dc motor circuits, Effects of discontinuous conduction on drive. Field oriented control of induction motor drives: Space-vector representation of machine mmfs, voltages, and currents, Dynamic analysis of the induction motor using the synchronously rotating reference frame; Condition for alignment of the direct-axis with rotor-flux axis. Indirect rotor-flux oriented control structure, Effect of rotor time-constant on FOC. Application of symmetrical component theory to the operation of induction motors: Example of an asymmetrical connection (constant voltage type), The general problem (phase voltages not constant), Connections with line and phase impedances, Connection with idle phase. Operating ranges of the three phase induction motor: Plugging, Motoring, Induction generating. Variable frequency inverter supplied induction motor: Per-phase equivalent circuit at all frequencies, Performance equations at all frequencies, Calculation of stator current, Calculation of power and power factor, Calculation of torque
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Ders Kredisi : 3