Yüksek Lisans Tezi Görüntüleme

Öğrenci: Nazlıcan ÇAVLİ
Danışman: Doç. Dr. Emre ÖZKOP
Anabilim Dalı: Elektrik-Elektronik Müh.
Enstitü: Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Üniversite: Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
Tez Adı: A Comparative Analysis Of Modulation Techniques In Multilevel Inverter For Pv Applications
Tezin Türü: Yüksek Lisans
Kabul Tarihi: 28/7/2021
Sayfa Sayısı: 76
Tez No: i3925

      Inverters, which are among the power electronics converters, can be classified as

two-level and multilevel. Two-level inverters are generally used in grid and small-scale

      industry applications, and multilevel inverters are used in structures with medium and high

power conversion demands. Compared to two-level inverters, multilevel inverters have

      many advantages such as low electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), high voltage

capability, low switching losses and high power quality waveforms. The main purpose of a

      multilevel inverter is less harmonic distortion and a high quality output voltage waveform.

It can be named in three categories that can be done to increase the efficiency of a power

      electronic converter system, to reduce the harmonic distortions caused and to meet the

requirements of the standards: Topological improvement, considering new modulation

      technique and employing suitable control strategies.

The aim of this research study is to perform performance analysis of multilevel

      inverter for photovoltaic applications with various modulation techniques. In this study, to

evaluate performance parameters such as inverter output current and voltage waveforms,

      inverter efficiency, active inverter input and output powers and total harmonic distortion

value, sinusoidal pulse width modulation, third harmonic injected pulse width modulation,

      space vector pulse width modulation and hybrid pulse width modulation techniques are

applied for single phase 5-level H-bridge diode clamped inverter.