Ph.D. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Selcen UZUN DURAN
Supervisor: Prof. Belgin KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU
Department: Fizik
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University Turkey
Title of the Thesis: The Determination of Natural Radioactivity Levels of Spas Located in The Middle and East Regions of Blacksea Coast, Anatolia
Level: Ph.D.
Acceptance Date: 18/6/2013
Number of Pages: 171
Registration Number: Di961


      Key Words: Radiocativity, Radon, Gamma Spectrometer, Annual Effective Dose, AlphaGUARD PQ 2000PRO, Middle And East Regions of Blacksea, Thermal Spas