Ph.D. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Tuncay BAYRAM
Supervisor: Prof. A. Hakan YILMAZ
Department: Fizik
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University Turkey
Title of the Thesis: Ground State Properties of Nuclei in the Relativistic Mean Field Model
Level: Ph.D.
Acceptance Date: 9/7/2012
Number of Pages: 111
Registration Number: Di920

      In this work, starting from isotopic chain of Neon to those of superheavy darmstadtium , nuclear ground state properties of even-even 51 isotopic chains of nuclei which are lay between proton dripline and neutron dripline were systematically investigated by using the Relativistic Mean Field (RMF) model. Ground state binding energies, two-neutron separation energies, neutron, proton and charge radii, quadrupole moments and deformations of the nuclei were calculated. In addition, for some isotopes single-particle energies of neutrons and protons, potential energy curves, decay energies and half-life of Superheavy nuclei, electric quadrupole transition probabilities for ground state to first excited state and evolution of pseudospin doublets through quadrupol deformation were investigated in detail. As a result, the RMF model was employed on a wide range of periodic chart successfully and a nuclear data table were built up for 51 even-even isotopic chains of nuclei. Besides, it was clearly indicated that the predictions of the RMF model for describing sizes and deformations of nuclei are in agreement with experimental results more than those of some nuclear models. Also relation between RMF model and pseudospin symmetry was discussed and behavior of pseudospin doublets through quadrupol deformation was carried out as agreement with previous studies.

      Key Words: Relativistic Mean Field Model, Nuclear ground state properties, Nuclear deformations, Pseudospin symmetry, Superheavy nuclei