M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Hüseyin GÜDÜMEN
Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Engin TIRAŞOĞLU
Department: Fizik
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University Turkey
Title of the Thesis: Alloying Effect on The X-Ray Fluorescence Parameters of Sn(x)In(y)Bi(6) Alloys
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 6/6/2017
Number of Pages: 58
Registration Number: i3189

      In this work, K-shell flourescence cross-sections yield, 𝐾𝛽/𝐾𝛼 X-ray intensity ratios investigated by using EDXRF technique.

Samples were excited using 59.5 keV 𝛾-ray from an Am-241 radioactive circle source, the emitted X-rays were counted using a ULTRA LeGe detector with resolution 150 Ev at 5,9 keV.

      Experimental results compared with theoretical results and it was found that 𝐾𝛼 and 𝐾𝛽 X-ray production cross-section values are increasing with because of increasing percentage slice in Sn element and because of decreasing percentage slice in In element.


Key Words: Alloying effect, Fluorescance Cross-Section, Fluorescence Yield, K Shell Intensity Ratios