M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Serhat GÖZÜTOK
Supervisor: Assoc.Prof. Metin HÜSEM
Department: İnşaat Mühendisliği
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Title of the Thesis: Research of the Effects of Confinement in High Strength Concrete by Experimental Method
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 29/8/2005
Number of Pages: 56
Registration Number: i1630

      It is common knowledge that the dimensioning of reinforced concrete structures projected with high-performance or traditional concrete to act elastically in a possible earthquake is not an economical solution. A dimensioning that would absorb the energy to come out of the inaction forces of the structure with the effect of earthquakes through plastic deformations of structural elements is essential. And, this requires that structural elements be dimensioned to have certain ductility with a certain level of resistance.

Due to the fact that unavailability of stress-strain models as much as traditional concrete for high-performance concrete, about which there are fewer studies compared to traditional concretes, and also for referential data for future researchers on the topic, the main objective of this study is to make testing research on the effects of confinement reinforcement in high-performance concrete.

      Made for this purpose, the study has four sections. The first section is one for an overview, whereas in the second section, high performance testing concrete samples with different cross-sectional and confinement reinforcement are produced using different stirrup steel spaces in parallel with the objective of this study. A central compressure test has been made on this test samples, obtaining compressive strength and stress-strain diagrams of samples. Findings from testing are comparatively studied. Results and suggestions from the entire study are summarized in the third section, followed by the list of references in the last section.

Results have shown that stirrup steel have increased the compressive strength and ductility of high-performance concrete relatively much higher than concrete with no stirrup steel, and that more studies are needed in order for stress-strain models suggested for high-performance concrete may find wider applications.

       Keywords: High-Performance Concrete, Stirrup Steel, Stress-Strain Model, Compressive Strength, Ductility, Transverse Steel Ratio