M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Ender ÖZ
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ahmet DURMUŞ
Department: Civil Engineering
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Title of the Thesis: Linear and Nonlinear Structural Analysis Methods For Reinforced Concrete Chimneys
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 15/8/2007
Number of Pages: 144
Registration Number: i1844

      The design of reinforced concrete chimneys, Which is one of the structures of engineering speciality,

requires special solutions. However, in Turkey, There still exists neither regulation as to the reinforced concrete

      chimneys nor source books or articles written in Turkish which will help such chimney designs to be easily

made. Hence, Turkish engineers use mostly foreign regulations and sources in the designing of such structures.

      In the designing of reinforced concrete chimneys, most of such foreign regulations place an emphasis on the

necessity of not only linear structural analysis but also nonlinear structural analysis.

      The fundamental aim of this study is to explain or illustrate the sequence of calculations to enable civil

engineers to employ linear and nonlinear techinques as regards structural solutions that came out following the

      discussions of chimney behaviours with the help of a synthesis which civil engineers can use for the design of

reinforced concrete chimneys.

      The study consists of three sections or parts. In the first section, which we can call it a part of general

knowledge, are placed a review of chimneys, chimney parts, principal reinforced concrete chimney parts,

      effects of chimneys and criteria or principles for chimney dimensions or size.

In the second section are found the linear and nonlinear structural analysis methods for reinforced concrete

      chimneys, some information as to the calculations of a base and a numerical practise or application illustrating

the fact that structural analysis should be done in terms of wind-load or wind-strenght.

      In the third section are placed the results of the whole study and suggestions. The third section is followed

by references and a CV.

      Keywords: Reinforced Concrete Chimneys, Chimney Effects, Linear and Non-Linear Structural Analysis,

Structural Analysis with Respect to Wind