M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Şafak İSLAMOĞLU
Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. M. Vefa AKPINAR
Department: İnşaat Mühendisliği
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 26/8/2009
Number of Pages: 65
Registration Number: i2092

      Stone fortifications materials (riprap or jetty stone and coarse rock) required for coastal protection structures under the Black Sea Coastal Highway Construction Project are supplied from quarries applying mostly coyote blasting (gallery blasting) method. Coyote blasting offers dangerous environment (fly rock, ground vibration, etc.) in terms of job security and structural damage in nearby residences. Therefore, an environmentally secure blast based excavation is required both to produce desired category stone fortifications materials and to minimize environmental problems.

In this study, stone fortifications materials produced by coyote blasting and used in the construction of coastal protection structures were made to evaluate the categorical terms. The stone fortifications material manufactured from Çayeli-Seslidere, Of-Yemişalan and Ardeşen-Köprüköy quarries is evaluated according to the Highways technical specification compliance. Ground vibration measurements were recorded by accompanying coyote and bench blasting operations executed at the quarries. Records obtained with vibration measuring devices were compared with the standard of our country. In addition, a sample of bench blasting design was proposed in order to produce categorical stone fortifications material necessary for the construction of coastal protection structures and size distribution analysis was done according to the Kuz-Ram model.

      The results obtained from the bench blasting to produce the stone fortifications materials have provided the desired categorical distribution for the coastal protection structures. Materials produced from the above quarries are understood to be used as stone fortifications materials in the coastal protection structures and thus are suitable to the standards. Vibration parameters (peak particle velocity, acceleration, displacement, etc.) induced from coyote blasting is fairly high values and has shown the potential damages to the structures. Bench blasting for minimizing environmental problems and for the safety of workers and equipment was understood to be the most appropriate production method. Finally, the proposed bench blasting design according to the Kuz-Ram model was determined to ensure the production of desired category stone fortifications for the Black Sea Coastal Highway Construction.

Key Words: Coastal Protection Structures, Stone Fortifications, Quarry, Cyote and Bench Blasting, Ground Vibration, Environmental Effect, Kuz-Ram Model