M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Yüksel AYAZ
Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Süleyman ADANUR
Department: İnşaat Mühendisliği
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University Turkey
Title of the Thesis: The İnterested Contractor’s Participation İn A Tender, Building Process And Solution Suggestions For The Possible Problems According To The Law No 4734 Government Contracts Law
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 15/6/2012
Number of Pages: 56
Registration Number: i2508

      In this study the business stages of private firms carrying out work for the government via government contracts are mentioned .The problems faced by the contractors and the solution suggestions are dealt with accordingly. Throughout the study different government contracts and buildings are analyzed and the solutions for the problems came up against by the contractor firms are put forward. In the content of the study it is observed that with the administrators’ participation in tender many problems related to the choice of contract, making out the approximate cost, treaty, building and the delivery of the work are ignored. At the present day it is believed that administrators are to establish an agency to check all the process of contracts and make sure this agency is independent of administrators managing the process so that a truly competitive climate is set up. The problems arising in the government contracts are increasing day by day while finding out solutions is getting hard. As a result these problems either decrease the quality or extend the process.

      Keywords: Government Contracts, Contractor Firm, Participation in a Tender, Making Out the Approximate Cost, Supervising Agency of the Process of Contracts