M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Sibel UZUN
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Aslan DİLAVER
Department: Geodesy and Fotogrammetry Engineering
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Title of the Thesis: Digitizing Models And The Analysis Reability Of Digitized Map Information In Gridded Maps
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 16/8/2005
Number of Pages: 109
Registration Number: i1622

      Nowadays, in accordance with advancing technological conditions, while performing various geodetic activities such as forming of information systems or producing digitizing information from exsisting maps, digitizing has gradually become more and more important. Besides, while the processes of digitizing are being done, the guestion of which most appropriate transformation model can be applied to the maps forming the source of information to solve the problem is of great interest. Furthermore, while the process of digitizing is being done, the operator, digitizing activity and deformations in maps have affected the data obtained this way adversely. What is more, the gross and sistematic errors formed in producing data in maps have curtailed the reability of information obtained through the result of transformation and, maybe, caused the choosen model to extend needlessly. These transformation models, which are more likely to be seen in the production of data from the maps, should be examined in respect of mathematical statistic laws by using statistical hypothesis testings and robust or other logical approaches.

      This study, deals with the process of converting the data obtained through the results of digitizing to newly produced data using various transformation models and with determination of appropriate transformation model by examining all these data in terms of outlier data.

      Key words: Coordinate Transformation, Outliers Testing, Robust Estimation Method,

Fuzzy Logic