M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Nurdogan OZTURK
Supervisor: Asist.Prof.Dr. Fevzi KARSLI
Department: Harita Mühendisliği
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Title of the Thesis: Using Satelitte Images in Planning Duration: A Case Study of Kasüstü (Trabzon)
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 12/7/2010
Number of Pages: 70
Registration Number: i2175

       Immigration into urban areas which took place in the industrial revolution period and has been rising rapidly since the 1950s has caused rapid urbanization and problems about urbanization. These movements

have been into existing towns and cities instead of constituting new locations,and this has caused new locations to take place around the existing cities. This formation of urbanization has caused the exist- ing cities get narrower and smaller by time,as a result, the need for serving in more fields has turned

      up.This movement has made this service more and more difficult by time. This unplanned urbanization has made way to the formation of irregular and deformed urbanization.now the urban areas or cities are not

just considered as the places to travel and have fun, they are also considered as areas in where the problems which exist by rapid urbanization must be solved. All these problems have let the need to work planned and systematically and this work is applied throughout the world rapidly so it is now necessary

      to have a systematic and planned work in our country, too.

In Turkey, immigration into the urban areas has been increasing rapidly and without any reduction especially since the 1950s. The most important significant work which was made regarding this formation

      was the zoning law about urbanization which was legislated in 1954.With the help of this law,the develop-ing areas in cities have been evaluated systematical order. This rapid increase from the rural areas to

the urban areas which has been continuing since the 1950s up to now as a result of the decline of the

      agricultural work in rural areas has turned our attention to forming and applying these plans at fulk

speed and dynamicly.

       In this thesis,different methods are considered about how to accelerate the mechanism of adjudication integrated to the existing plans by using the satellite image data.