M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Emre KARAAĞAÇ
Supervisor: Assoc. Dr. Yakup Emre ÇORUHLU
Department: Harita Mühendisliği
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University Turkey
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 11/1/2019
Number of Pages: 78
Registration Number: i3427

      Geomatics discipline is accepted as one of the oldest professions that have been going

on since the humanity. In recent years, geomatics discipline has evolved rapidly into the

      technology of information technology. Classical expression method is mostly used in

geomatics educational institutions in which human resources are taught for the sector. This

      approach based on teacher-centered is insufficient In terms of educational sciences. However,

student centered educational environment, in which students become more active, will make

      great contributions to better education for the students. One of the missing points in the

training of human resources in geomatics discipline is the lack of material in this educational

      environment. Because learning can make it permanent depending on many factors. One of

them can be provided with the use of materials which increasing the comprehension level of

      the subject and eliminating misconceptions. For this purpose, firstly the secondary education

institution to be applied is determined. Basic issues of geomatics discipline and its relations

      with the courses in secondary education, under graduate and graduate degree are presented.

Relations of these courses with teaching strategies, principles and methods have also been

      established. Some issues given in all educational institutions of the profession, in which were

identified lack of knowledge in students, were then identified for material development. The

      students who formed the sample group were determined. Existing knowledge deficiencies

have been revealed with the success levels of the exam questions for the related students.

      Materials related to the missing issues have been developed and implemented to disappear

these deficiencies. After application of these materials developed, the skill acquisition level

      of students via the materials which was applicated to students were determined different

assessment tools based on students performance. It was understood that the developed

      materials were effective in providing the students with the skills about the related subject. As

a result; using different teaching strategies, methods and techniques together with studentcentered

      work and practice makes learning easy and permanent, as well as the students have

the opportunity to learn the subjects by having fun. Thus, the information was not transferred

      directly to the student by the teacher. With the help of tips and motivation, the student is able

to obtain the knowledge. Thus, the success level of the students has been increased.

      Consequently, planning and processing of the courses in accordance with teaching strategy

methods and techniques, identifying students knowledge deficiencies with different

      assessment and evaluation tools, development of material for the elimination of knowledge

deficiencies in students, adopting a student centre approach in the processing of courses and

      the application of materials are recommended to the researchers and researchers in different

fields of geomatics discipline