M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Şeval ALAN
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hüsniye Ebru ÇOLAK
Department: Harita Mühendisliği
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University Turkey
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 7/7/2022
Number of Pages: 115
Registration Number: i4044

      While the need for spatial data is increasing all over the world, the issue of examining the quality of this data is gaining importance day by day. The sharing of data produced by different institutions with different methods or for different purposes requires high-level coordination between institutions. While the repetitively produced data causes loss of money and time, the need to connect the quality to certain standards has emerged. For this purpose, many countries and many organizations have emphasized the importance of data quality and have increased their work in this field, especially in recent years. The INSPIRE directive is at the forefront of studies on spatial data infrastructure and standards.

In this thesis, the importance of geographic data quality has been examined and how the data quality parameters are classified is explained. Both in Turkey and in the world, the studies and standards created for this need are emphasized. Geographic data quality parameters and management issues are discussed. At the point of testing the data quality of geographic data, 58 vectors and 6 raster datasets taken from various institutions and organizations were examined open-source GIS software under the headings of data quality parameters such as spatial accuracy, attribute accuracy, consistency, integrity, and timeliness. The importance and care given to geographic data quality by both public institutions and organizations and private companies were tested, deficiencies were identified and evaluated. As a result of the evaluation, suggestions were made about the solution of the problems.

      Key Words: GIS, Geographic Data, Data quality, Data quality parameters, INSPIRE, Data quality standards