Ders Adı:Mimari Tasarım Bürosu Yönetimi
Ders Kodu:MIM 7300
Ders İçeriği (Türkçe):Bilgisayar teknolojisi sistematiğinin mimari tasarım bürolarına uygulanması. Profesyonel yaşantıdan çeşitli uygulamalarla öğrencinin mimarlık mesleğini yaparken karşılaşacağı sorunlar ve çözümleri simüle edilmektedir.
Ders İçeriği (İngilizce):This course is for advanced students who have a research agende or specific project involved with computer representatition, visualization and construction documents preparation. The course is run as a lab/seminar where individuals are responsible for their own reseach agenda and its fullfillment. Students are expected to be familiar with the principles of CAAD (Computer-Aided Architectural Design), the theories and methods on which it is founded, and its principal applications in practice (generating, evaluating, modeling, drafting, and rendereing design solutions) The course provides a forum for serious discussion and exploration of emerging fields in computer rendering, painting, modeling, animation, multimedia, and designb as well as issues related to those fields. Specific interest
Ders Saati:
Teorik Ders : 3 Uygulama : 0 Laboratuar : 0
Ders Kredisi : 3