Ph.D. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Altay ÇOLAK
Supervisor: Doç.Dr. Ayşe SAĞSÖZ
Department: Architecture
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Level: Ph.D.
Acceptance Date: 1/6/2004
Number of Pages: 416
Registration Number: 445


      In our research, we aimed the examination of variations and occurring diversity. Convenience of visual communication and information transfer as a result of rapid technological developments provided the concept of wall with new interpretations and formations.


      In the first part, a historical perspective on walls is mentioned in order to put forward the variations and the diversity of walls.

      In the second part, in order to comprehend, to interpret and to explain the diversity of walls, by utilizing the principles of Semiology, walls are classified as of Syntactic and Semantic Aspects, respectively.

      Under Syntactic Aspect headline; Gestalt Principles and Basic Design Principles, and under Semantic Aspect headline; Syntactic Reaction is analyzed.

      In the third part, the diversity of walls occurring due to one-by-one analysis of samples is presented and we aimed to interpret evaluations resulting from the examinations.

      In the conclusion, a commentary on diversity of walls occurred in the examined samples, their contributions to architecture and their effects on the user take place; furthermore, suggestions related to the main subject are included.

      Keyword: Walls, Semantic Aspect, Emotional (Sentimental) Reaction Aspect, Syntactic Aspect, Gestalt Principles , Basic Design Principles