M.Sc Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Emriye MUHÇU
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali ASASOĞLU
Department: Architecture
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Level: M.Sc
Acceptance Date: 19/11/2003
Number of Pages: 102
Registration Number: 1446

      The primary geometric forms like square, circle and triangle have been favored in the architectural practice from the very early ages till today; this is so because some characteristics peculiar to these forms made them special figures of selection.

      The circle, which is the subject of this work, was also used very widely in the history of architecture. Starting from this benchmark point, in this study; the purpose in the selection and use of circle and circular forms was investigated, determined and explained by the developed graphical processes that are going to be used in the evaluation of present-day circular architectural products. This study can be also summarized as; establishing characteristics peculiar to circle and evaluating the present-day circular architectural products in the light of historic data available. In the first part of this study, a detailed instructive explanations related to the subject were performed, and the selected process followed in the study and the reason of this selection was explained.

      In the second part, primarily, the definitions of the circle, as a form, from different aspects were given and buildings in the architectural continuum was investigated; at the end of the second part, for shedding light on to the characteristics of circle, Roman and Renaissance architecture were handled, and as merit of being the era that this study will come onto a conclusion the post-modern period was shortly touched on.

      In the third part of the study, the defined characteristics of circle were listed. Later, in the fourth part, these characteristics were tested on the post-modern architectural examples.

      In the concluding remarks, in the light of data obtained from the tables and visual graphics, some interpretations and commentary were done on the present-day post-modern examples and some conclusions were reached. Some recommendations were given for the future studies.


      Keywords: Circle, Collecting Together, Monumentality, Equality, Universality.