M.Sc Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Aysel YILDIRIM
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nilgün KULOĞLU
Department: Landscape Architecture
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Level: M.Sc
Acceptance Date: 4/9/2000
Number of Pages: 124
Registration Number: i1135

      Urban open area plans within the whole urban design are plan, considering the natural and environmental factors. In addition to this, the society is studied from its socio-economic, socio-cultural and demographic perspectives. Negligence one or some of the factors studied throughout this process or their improper study leads to a great amount of financial damage and unpleasant appearances from the aesthetic point of view.

      In connection with these deficiencies, the problem of vandalism, which has been degrading the visual quality of cities and also negatively affecting urban landscape, has been chosen as the topic of research. With this research, causality relationships have been established in the example of the city Trabzon by calling attention to the existence of vandalism in the urban open areas. With this study, it has been examined if it would be possible to prevent the post-implementation flows by taking precautions at the designing stage and so to minimise the losses of material, time, productivity power and finances.


      Keywords: Vandalism, Urban Open Area, Public Space, Park, Planning Criteria.