M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Gözde Güher ÖZCAN
Supervisor: Asst.Prof. Gökhan Hüseyin ERKAN
Department: Şehir ve Bölge Planlama
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University Turkey
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 31/3/2022
Number of Pages: 149
Registration Number: i4004

      Starting from the concept of height, which is one of the elements that we can read

about the regularity of the urban space; The aim of the thesis study, which deals with the

      relationship between the current heights in the city, the land prices and the implementation

zoning plans, is to determine the regions with different floor numbers and to examine the

      harmony and contradictions with the implementation zoning plans.

In this context, Yakutiye, Palandöken and Aziziye districts located in the center of

      Erzurum province were chosen as the study area and the 12-year period between 2005-2017

was taken as the basis. First of all, the population values of the province were examined and

      analyzes of the number of floors were made in the entire study area. Then, by descending to

the neighborhood level, analysis of the number of floors was made, sample areas were

      determined and more detailed examinations were made with sub-zoning. With these

investigations, it has been determined that the elevation values in Erzurum have a tendency

      to increase in all neighborhoods. It has been observed that there is a similar approach in the

2008-2017 implementation development plans. In addition, it was determined that the

      average number of floors increased, but there was a decrease in the number of buildings.

As a result, it has been observed that there is an increase in the height of the buildings

      in the city despite the continuous decrease in the population values in Erzurum. It has been

determined that the land prices have increased in parallel with this increase. It has been

      revealed that this increase is achieved by the construction of new high-rise buildings in some

parts of the city and by reducing the number of low-rise residences in some places.

      Key Words: Height in Cities, Increase in Number of Floors