Ph.D. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Canan YILMAZ
Supervisor: Prof.Dr.Mustafa Fehmi TÜRKER
Department: Orman Mühendisliği
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University Turkey
Title of the Thesis: Determination of the Principles and Rules of Professional Ethics in Forest Engineering and Measurement of Perception Levels in Turkey
Level: Ph.D.
Acceptance Date: 1/1/2017
Number of Pages: 203
Registration Number: Di1163

      PhD. Thesis


      Determination of the Principles and Rules of Professional Ethics in Forest Engineering and

Measurement of Perception Levels in Turkey

      Canan YILMAZ

Karadeniz Technical University

      The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences

Forest Engineering Graduate Program


2017, 203 Pages

      It was determined that scientific studies have been conducted in Turkey to determine the principles and

rules of professional ethics in professions such as accountancy, policing and teaching, but there were no

      studies conducted for forestry engineering. In the present dissertation that aimed to eliminate this gap in

the national literature by determining the principles and rules that forestry engineers are expected to

      comply in their professional activities, a questionnaire was designed for data collection. The

questionnaire was developed based on the professional ethics principles and rules indicated by forestry

      associations abroad, the principles and rules determined by examining the jurisdiction in Turkey, and

face-to-face interviews with forest engineers. As a result of the application and assessment of the

      developed questionnaire to the forest engineers working in the state and private sectors, the professional

ethics principles for forest engineers were determined as to the development of the profession, ecological

      awareness, openness, participation, respect for law, the society and colleagues, public benefit and social

responsibility, professional solidarity, honesty and impartiality, professional competence, loyalty and

      local responsibility. Furthermore, it was found that there was a significant difference between forest

engineers working in the public and private sectors based on understanding the principles of contribution

      to the development of the profession, awareness about public benefit, social responsibility and honesty

and impartiality and the engineers working in public sector had a higher perception on the

      abovementioned principles. On the other hand, the effects of variables such as age, gender, level of

education, professional experience and the educational institution graduated on the perception of the

      identified professional ethics principles were examined and it was determined that age and professional

experience variables were effective on the perception of occupational ethics principles of forest

      engineers employed in the public sector, while gender and education level variables were found effective

on the perceptions of the engineers working in the private sector. Providing professional ethics training

      for forest engineers is recommended as a practical method to put the study findings into action.

Key Words: Moral, Ethics, Professional Ethics, Principles and Rules, Forest Engineering