Ph.D. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Sefa AKBULUT
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Zafer Cemal ÖZKAN
Department: Orman Mühendisliği
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Title of the Thesis: A Research on the Inventory of Alchemilla spp. and Colchicum speciosumas Non-Wood Forest Product in Hamsiköy Region
Level: Ph.D.
Acceptance Date: 21/1/2009
Number of Pages: 670
Registration Number: Di670


especially to non-wood plant products and people seek ways to take better advantage of


get more profit from non-wood products and the valuation potentials into domestic and


and create a production schedule for Alchemilla spp. and Colchicum speciosum that have


been selected according to different plant characteristics and distributions in putting

      forward one of the major deficiencies.

Systematic sampling and systematic adaptive cluster sampling methods have been

      used to determine the potential of Alchemilla spp. and Colchicum speciosum, respectively.

For each taxa a ten-year production plan, considering the conservation-use balance, has

      been composed. Production area was parceled to ten blocks for Alchemilla spp. and as

essential plan was made to get a harvest evenly from each block. As for Colchicum

      speciosum the number of plants suitable for root up every year has been reckoned. Besides,

without root up, the determination of the Colchicum speciosum plants suitable for root up

      have been realized by putting account the correlation between leaf width and bulb size.

Key Words: Non-Wood Forest Products, Adaptive Cluster Sampling, Alchemilla spp.,