Ph.D. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: İlker ERCANLI
Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Hakkı YAVUZ
Department: Orman Mühendisliği
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Title of the Thesis: Models for Oriental Spruce and Scots Pine Mixed Stands in Trabzon and Giresun Forest
Level: Ph.D.
Acceptance Date: 5/2/2010
Number of Pages: 349
Registration Number: Di750

      The importance mixed-species forest stands has recently been stimulated in parallel

with the shift in emphasis from timber production to other products and services of forest

      ecosystem. The knowledge of growth and yield is crucial factor for management of mixed

stands that have preferable attributes for pure stands.

      The models estimates essentially growth and yield of trees and stand that have

different ecological attributes. These estimation are used for inventory updating, estimating

      stand structure and stand productivity and evaluating silvicultural alternatives, and in general

for decision support in forest management and planning.

      In this study, the data were comprehended 161 sample pots with different stand ages,

site index, density and mixture percentage and 306 stem analysis of dominant and codominant

      trees for oriental spruce and scots pine mixed stands in Trabzon and Giresun Forest

District Directorates. This study aimed to develop stand yield model, individual tree growth

      model and diameter distribution model. Stand yield model were assessed as Density-Variable

Yield Table, and used for estimation of remaining, removal and total stands. Diameter

      distribution models provide detailed estimation in diameter classes. Individual tree growth

models were developed as distance independent and distance dependent models. Also, site

      index models and mortality models based logistic function were constructed.

Key Words : Mixed stands, Density-Variable Yield Table, Diameter distribution model,

      Individual tree growth model, Mortality model