M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Ebru BAŞKAYA
Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Ertuğrul BİLGİLİ
Department: Forest Engineering
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Title of the Thesis: Habitat Use and Breeding Biology of the Caucasian black grouse
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 24/8/2007
Number of Pages: 94
Registration Number: i1856


The main objectives in this study were important breeding stages times (lekking, mating, nesting, incubation, brooding and nursing), habitat use and principal threats.

      The results of the study revealed that Caucasian black grouse breeding season started by the end of March with lekking and finished by the end of September with offspring dissolved. The starting and finishing times of breeding stages were affected by mainly air temperature and air situation.

The most important display activities were territorial flights, squatting, flutter jumping, combats, voices and acceptation behavior. Copulations occurred between adult males and females. Only females brooded after copulations. Nesting areas were selected the surrounding of lekking areas by females. Families were constituted females and their chick.

      Due to the air situation, food and vegetation cover, Caucasian black grouse preferred upper forest, subalpine and alpine habitats between 1870 and 2420 m asl altitudes.

Principal threats for the species were determined to be habitat deteriorations, grazing, shepherd dogs, human disturbances, poaching, egg collection, snow, hail and predator animals.