M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Cemile ÜLKER
Supervisor: Doç.Dr. Mehmet MISIR
Department: Orman Mühendisliği
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Title of the Thesis: Costruction of Biomass Tables of Scotchpine in Amasya Forest Regional
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 25/6/2010
Number of Pages: 62
Registration Number: i2223

      The purpose of this study is to investigate the biomass of scotchpine stands as single

tree in Amasya Forest Regional Headquarter. A total of 32 sample areas was choosen and

      50 sample trees choosen, one tree from each sample area was examined. Choosen of the

sample treess, was taken care of different diameter breast height and tree height classes,

      live, robust hill, one body and healthy.

Sample trees were cut down from 30 cm heigth, the body were measured from the

      top to the bottom,1.3m,3.3 m form of 2 m diameter sections. Sample disck with 5 cm

thickness were taken from the middle of all stem sections. Gren mass of the baranches; live

      and dead, were taken and recorded. Sample oe stem discks, samples of live branches,

samples of twigs and leaves were collected. All samples were brought to the laboratory for

      later measurements.

Contructing single entry tree biomass tables, total nine equations are examined

      according to 2 performance criteria standart error of the estimate and R square.

Comparisons are made to determine which equations provides the best overall fit to a set of

      validation data for Pinus sylvestris L. The results indicate that the best model chosen from

the equations can be used for Vezirköprü region at 0.05 significant level.

      Single entry stem and all tree biomass, branch and needles biomass and bark biomass

table are constructed as explicted form using the regression equations "y=b0+b1xd1.3+b2xd1.3^2",

      "lny=lnb0+lnb1xd1.3", "lny=lnb0+b1xlnd1.3" respectively.

Determined using the equations above ground biomass in the amount of samples


branch biomass varied from 2.34 to 347.53, needle biomass varied from 2.81 to 197.08 kg ,

      all tree biomass varied from 12.66 to 1788.05 kg. In hectar, were determined stem biomass

varied from 42 to 267 tones, branch biomass varied from 4 to 175 tones, needle biomass

      varied from 4.4 to 65 tones, all tree biomass varied from 51 to 287 tones.

      KeyWords: Scotch pine, biomass, weight table.