M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Servet PEHLİVAN
Supervisor: Doç.Dr. Nuray MISIR
Department: Orman Mühendisliği
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Title of the Thesis: Construction of Tree Volume Tables of Scots Pine
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 25/6/2010
Number of Pages: 61
Registration Number: i2225

      Scots Pine is an important tree species in Turkey as both forest assets and also its

economical value. In this study, single entry and double entry tree volume tables of Scots

      Pine have been constructed.

In order to constructing single entry and double entry tree volume tables, total 90

      sample trees from different site and stand conditions were cut down and collected stem

analysis data. Using these stem analysis data, 965 pieces of data were derived and were

      used to develop tree volume models. In addition, these stem analysis data are used to check

the validation of these models for the Scots Pine stands at general basis.

      In order to determination of the suitable volume model, six performance criteria such

as Average Residuals or Bias, Average Absolute Residual, Standart Deviation of the

      Residual or Precision, Percent Variation Explained, Percent Total Error and Percent

Absolute Mean Error are consulted. After the validation of both single entry and double

      entry tree volume equation for Scots Pine stands controlled in Turkey at 0.05 significant

level. As a result both equations are suitable for Scots Pine stands in Turkey.

      Single entry and double entry tree volume tables are constructed according to

equations respectively V = b0 + b1 D + b2 D2 and V = b0 + b1 D + b2 D2 + b3 H + b4 D2H.


      KeyWords: Scots Pine, Volume Equation, Criteria, Tree Volume Table, Validation