M.Sc. Tezi Görüntüleme

Student: Güllizar ÖZYURT
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Zafer YÜCESAN
Department: Orman Mühendisliği
Institution: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
University: Karadeniz Technical University Turkey
Title of the Thesis: Analysis of Different Sowing Environment and Seed Collection Period on Germination in Tilia rubra DC. subsp. caucasica
Level: M.Sc.
Acceptance Date: 21/5/2019
Number of Pages: 43
Registration Number: i3588

      Tilia rubra DC. subsp. caucasica seeds which were collected from three different trees located in the Karadeniz Technical Univeristy campus were used as a material in this study. Seeds were collected at two different periods (15 August and 5 September) and sowing was done in the same day without any pre-treatment by taking into account the natural process of seed falling. Three different sowing environments (green house, open environment and open environment with shade effect) were used for obtaining germination characteristics.

Obtained results showed that best germination percentage occurred in the open sowing environment with shade effect as 59.0% and 47.0% in seeds which were collected from the origins 1 and 3 in September. However, the best germination speed was obtained under the open environment conditions in seeds collected from the origins 1, 2 and 3 in August as 36, 36 and 40 days respectively.


      Key Words: Tilia rubra DC. subsp. caucasica, Germination Percentage, Germination Speed, Seed Collection Period, Sowing Environment.